Le emozioni non devono finire mai !
Vicenza Emozioni in Cammino SUPERA ANCHE I CONFINI e propone ai nostri ospiti americani della caserma Ederle (e non solo!!) di scoprire in un modo nuovo, la città che da anni li ospita. Certi che sarà un'esperienza che terranno nel cuore, anche al loro rientro in patria!
La passeggiata si terrà in LINGUA INGLESE ed è aperta A CHIUNQUE volesse parteciparvi, anche non necessariamente straniero: è sufficiente compilare il modulo sulla pagina "passeggiate e cene"!
"Vicenza. Emotions on the walk ", based on the first book “Vicenza, Emozioni in Cammino” written by Rossella Menegato, Manuela Brocco, Mariapia Ciani, Giorgia Costeniero”, publisher: Cierre Grafica, is a different experience that touches the emotions, introducing Vicenza through the stories, the lives of those who lived in the squares, palaces and spaces of the past.
"Vicenza. Emotions on the walk" is proposed by Assogevi Onlus with the partnership of Comune di Vicenza, La provincia di Vicenza, Consorzio Vicenzaè, Biblioteca Internazionale "La Vigna", Associazione amici dei monumenti, dei musei e del paesaggio per la città di Vicenza e la provincia di Vicenza and La Civiltà del Verde.
Vicenza is not just a beautiful city for its monuments and its art but is also rich in history and stories: each of its streets has been the scene of more or less known events and each of its buildings hides behind the facade the story of those who lived there.
That's why this initiative, "Vicenza. Emotions on the walk ", was born.
We propose "emotional walks" for adults and children, which will allow you to discover traces of a new and fascinating city between stories and legends in a charming way.
The first route is called "The thousand voices around Corso Palladio":
Walking along Piazza Castello, Corso Palladio, Contrà Porti and adjacent streets, you will discover murky family events, traces of war, ancient towns and curious characters from traditional literature.
The second route is called “Narcissism and gossip”:
Here the walk takes you through Corso Palladio, Corso Fogazzaro, Contrà Santa Corona and the surrounding districts. You will be presented with strong-willed and revolutionary women, violent but refined men, unhappy love affairs, delusions of grandeur, illustrious writers, etc.
The walks were initially proposed to Italian speaking people, but now, thanks to the support and availability of Marcella Censi and Marzia Garofletti, the tours are also held in English for Italian Students as well as for foreign families, who live on our territory and are an integral part of it.
The estimated time is about 2 hours for each walk.
Reservations at the below phone numbers are required, since each tour will be held with a minimum of 20 to a maximum of 40 participants.
Meeting point is in Piazza Castello in front of Libreria Galla.
Participants must obtain the card “Emozioni in Cammino” at the contribution of Euro 2.00, which will last a year, without any obligation. The card can easily be made directly before the walk. It is therefore recommended to arrive 15 minutes earlier to have time to enroll.
For each walk a contribution of Euro 5.00 is requested as a support of the expenses for the implementation of the initiative.
For bookings or any further information, please contact:
Marcella Censi: 333 4162172
Marzia Garofletti: 335 6117912
Also visit : www.assogevi.org or https.//www.facebook.com/Vicenza-Emozioni-in-Cammino http://www.vicenzaemozioniincammino.it/passeggiate-e-cene/[/span10]
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